Monthly Archives: September 2021

Blue Hydrogen. The greatest fossil fuel scam in history?

Marc Z. Jacobson’s recent peer-reviewed paper How Green is Blue Hydrogen is available here.  This “Just have a think” video offers an excellent overview. Blue hydrogen is being enthusiastically promoted by natural gas producers as the simplest and cheapest answer … Continue reading

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NPR: Bubbles, Bikes and Biases

Financial bubbles feel exciting until the busts devastate; trouble is that the two go hand in hand. From a single stock to the entire stock market, Dutch tulips to American houses, Beanie Babies to cryptocurrency, a bubble can form around … Continue reading

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The path to a 90% emissions reduction by 2035

The climate emergency requires climate solutions. And fast! … a new analysis suggests that 90% of the job could be achieved by just a handful of disruptive technologies that are very real indeed, and are already either disrupting their markets … Continue reading

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