Monthly Archives: September 2021

Calling BS on carbon capture

F-bomb alert!! The language and content in this clip may offend some listeners.  For those tired of status quo spin and nonsense, however, the calling of bullshit is refreshing. The Australien Government has made an ad about Carbon Capture and … Continue reading

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“In 2021, the crazy is alive and well in the private and the public markets.”

This weekend brought some excellent market perspective in the Globe read The Death of Profit:  Why investing feels broken and markets no longer make sense.  Here’s a taste: It’s now not only acceptable for a company to bleed money as … Continue reading

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The Great Disruption – Rethinking Energy, Transportation, Food & Agriculture

Over the next eight years, simultaneous disruptions will transform the energy, transportation and food production industries all at once.  This has massive implications for the world and especially for resource and auto-centric economies like Canada!  This recent update from ReThinkx … Continue reading

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