Monthly Archives: September 2021

EVs entering mass adoption because they are better

As with all new technological upheavals, adoption starts slowly until an inflection point is reached and mass adoption moves rapidly through the population (aka S curve).  Electric vehicles are now entering mass adoption because they are better than ICE vehicles.  … Continue reading

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China’s ‘controlled’ credit explosion

This report gives a good overview of the global interconnections in our highly levered financial markets and economies. Deflation in the global property sector is needed.  It will be painful but also helpful longer-term in redirecting capital from realty speculation … Continue reading

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Bubbling assets need more buyers–stat!

While some wait breathlessly for self-enriching US Fed members to hold forth on their next policy tricks, this chart shows the relative size of US financial assets at 5.5x US gross domestic product today compared with 3.5x at the tech … Continue reading

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