Monthly Archives: September 2021

China’s Ponzi scheme in global spotlight again

There are parallels here for other economies like Canada, which have enabled an unhealthy reliance on debt and realty bubbles. “If you want to teach a lesson you have to cause pain.” China Beige Book CEO Leland Miller joins Yahoo … Continue reading

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Commodities and the loonie following global output lower

Lakshman Achuthan, co-founder of the Economic Cycle Research Institute, breaks down what one chart on industrial inflation and currencies could mean for the broader market. Here is a direct video link.

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Lethal levels of financial leverage are highly contagious

As I discussed last week in Ponzi Markets Unravelling Once More, global asset markets have never been more over-valued, leveraged and interconnected in our lifetimes.  This presents a massive instability risk for all of us, whether we appreciate it or … Continue reading

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