Monthly Archives: September 2021

Ponzi markets unraveling once more

Shares and bonds of China’s most indebted property developer China Evergrande Group have fallen 80%, while interest payments on its wealth manglement management products have failed to pay out, and deposits on presold unbuilt apartments are left in question.   Other … Continue reading

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Former SEC prosecutor on why law enforcement has failed in finance

This 2019 speech should help to provoke a new regulatory enforcement regime, not just in America.  Until we, the people, insist, nothing is going to change. James Kidney explains how the SEC and the Department of Justice fumbled the prosecutions … Continue reading

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Who gives a damn?

Disclosures report that at least two of the US Federal Reserve’s 12 regional bank presidents (Kaplan and Rosengren) used inside knowledge of central bank policy decisions to enrich themselves through millions of dollars in individual stock trades since 2020.  The … Continue reading

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