Rich Roll Podcast on breaking the toxic-food addiction

It’s not okay or sustainable that two-thirds of our population is overweight and obese and status quo food is driving a pandemic of chronic illness that is far more destructive than COVID-19.  Worse, the health-destroying food is designed to be addictive and social apathy around this fact is helping to perpetuate the plague that ails us.

When you hear the word ‘addiction’, our attention typically turns to mind-altering substances — illicit drugs, alcohol, and prescription medications.Typically overlooked in this conversation? Food.But food addiction isn’t just real, it just might be our biggest problem. In fact, the hyper-industrialized western world is firmly entrenched in an epidemic of dysfunctional eating, fueled by an outsized appetite for an ever-increasing array of highly processed foods that are scientifically designed — with just the right amount of sugar, salt and fat — to hijack our nervous system. Enslave us to compulsive habits that lead to illness. And ultimately render us wards of the pharmaceutical industry.  Meanwhile we’ve normalized this twisted and deleterious relationship. So much so that right now, more than two-thirds of adults in the industrialized world are overweight or obese. Nonetheless, millions of people find it extremely difficult if not downright impossible to change their dietary habits — and simply break the fatal, addictive grip.So how does one effectively transition to a healthy diet sustained over time?  Here is a direct audio link.

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