Monthly Archives: November 2021

Barbados PM follows the money

This speech makes an important comparison between the $25 trillion in QE spent bailing out counter-productive corporations and asset bubbles over the past 13 years and investments needed to transition the world’s food, energy and transportation systems for sustainable life … Continue reading

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NY Mayor Eric Adams on transforming health with food

Few people understand the direct connection between what we are eating and the disease plaguing us.  For those who think change is too hard, one has to ask:  how hard are chronic illness, suffering, radical surgeries, shortened lifespans and insufficient … Continue reading

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After the shock and awe, round-tripping to financial disappointment

As the U.S. Fed huddles for another what-trick-do-we-try-next meeting, the much-theorized transmission mechanism for monetary policy remains apathetic.  As shown below since 2010, the credit impulse (movement of credit through the banking system to the private sector) in the world’s … Continue reading

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