Monthly Archives: February 2022

Grantham: super bubbles harm real life financial plans

Holders typically love it when asset prices rise far above long-term norms. But gains accidentally made in the bubble phase are always taken back in the bursting, and most participants are left worse off in the end.  Believe it or … Continue reading

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Hunt update: Why deflation will win

Hunt’s 36-minute presentation is content-rich as always; it requires more attention than click-bait but is worth the time invested. Is inflation truly winning out after decades of deflation/disinflation? If so, what will the repercussions be? Hoisington investment officer and former … Continue reading

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Treasury bonds outperform during falling growth and inflation

U.S. consumer credit expanded $18.9 billion in January while retail sales slid 1.9%.As in December, consumers are borrowing to cover basic needs and make ends meet as their interest costs are rising.  No wonder U.S. consumer sentiment is at a … Continue reading

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