Cultivating meat for carnivores-no animals needed

Precision fermentation (PF) and cellular agriculture (CA) are major tech-enabled disruptions attracting investment and market share away from legacy animal-based industries.

The ReThinkx August 2021 report here explains the escalating efficiency of precision fermentation (PF) protein and cell-based meats over the next 8 years–believe it or not, this is happening.

The food disruption will be driven by the economics of precision fermentation (PF) and cellular agriculture (CA), which will compete with animal products of all kinds. Our previous research found that PF will make protein production 5 times
cheaper by 2030 and 10 times cheaper by 2035 than existing animal proteins.

The precision with which proteins and other complex organic molecules will be
produced also means that foods made with them will be higher quality, safer, more consistent, and available in a far wider variety than the animal-derived
products they replace. The impact of this disruption on industrial animal farming
will be profound.
The economic competitiveness of foods made with PF technology will be
overwhelming. As the most inefficient and economically vulnerable part of the industrial food system, cow products will be the first to feel the full force of the food disruption. New PF foods will be up to 100 times more land efficient, 10-25 times more feedstock efficient, 20 times more time efficient, and 10 times more water efficient. They will also produce far less waste.

Also, see Primeval Foods Holding Tasting Events For Cultivated Lion, Tiger and Zebra Meat in London & New York.

Primeval Foods, a UK cultivated meat startup, is aiming to explore an untapped and previously unavailable market through the cultivation of exotic meats, saying it plans to hold tasting events in both New York City and London in the coming months.

Now officially launched, Primeval Foods – created by the London-based venture studio Ace Ventures – is looking to make “foods that carnivores will crave”. Pending regulatory approvals, Primeval Foods states Michelin-starred restaurants will be the first channels for its cultivated exotic meats, with lion, tiger, and zebra all on the menu.

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