Monthly Archives: May 2022

What’s happening in mortgage land?

News from the mortgage frontline in Canada…worth a listen. What’s Happening to Mortgages Now That Rates Are Up? with Ron Butler | DFI30 | Well it appears that real estate prices are down in many parts of Ontario after record … Continue reading

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This asset bust combines the worst of the 2000 and 2008 cycles

Since its peak at the end of 2021, nearly $8 trillion in market cap has been knocked off the S&P 500 alone.  This comes with a 24% loss in the average NASDAQ stock and a 55% drop in Bitcoin, not … Continue reading

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Bear market update

Worthwhile discussion in this segment in terms of the bear market progress and sentiment to date and the value of cash in softening portfolio declines and preserving liquidity. Even though both the stocks and bonds have had a dismal start … Continue reading

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