Bill White on cascading risks in a highly levered system

Bill White is a rare former central banker with decades of experience and a truth chip. Always refreshing to hear. Canada comes up in this discussion specifically. Here is a direct video link.

Former central bank insider William White one-on-one with Quill Intelligence CEO & Chief Strategist Danielle DiMartino Booth. There’s no more consequential time to have this conversation. As central banks tighten monetary policy around the world (removing trillions of dollars in money supply), markets are crashing. White worked for the Bank of England and the Bank of Canada. He was Director of Research at the Bank of International Settlements and the Chairman of the Economic & Development Review Committee at the OECD. He led the policy-making recommendations to associated countries. In short, if there’s someone who knows where global systemic risk lies, planted by generations of central bank missteps, William White is your man. Mr. White is currently a Senior Fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute in Toronto.

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