Monthly Archives: January 2023

Epic financial busts bring epic opportunity

A decade of ultra-low rates punished risk-conscious savers and encouraged profligate financial decisions among the masses. Rather than use record-low interest rates to get out of debt faster, most levered up to imprudent levels. Insufficient cash and falling prices are … Continue reading

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Tesla: zero to most profitable in 15 years

Truly other world… Sandy Munro was blown away by Tesla’s profit margin, which is eight times more than Toyota’s.  Here is a direct video link.

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Canada’s housing downturn barely started

Bank economist Robert Kavcic offers useful macro housing context in the Better Dwelling segment below. One caveat worth noting, though: from a price peak in February 2022, a housing bottom by mid-2023 would be an unusually quick downcycle. Meanwhile, the … Continue reading

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