Monthly Archives: May 2023

Baby boomers helped inflate property prices, their demise suggests the opposite

Baby boomers and two decades of rock-bottom interest rates drove a structural boost to housing demand as older buyers/investors sought bigger homes as well as recreational and rental properties. As interest rates have risen and boomers die off, the question … Continue reading

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Canadian insolvency leaping

Pandemic-era debt deferrals, government handouts and easy credit all worked to kick insolvency problems down the road. Now many are out of extend and pretend options. Doug Hoyes, co-founder of Hoyes, Michalos & Associates, joins BNN Bloomberg to discuss the … Continue reading

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The loudest, least-skilled financial influencers are most followed

A paper from the Swiss Finance Institute‘s working paper series tracked data from more than 29,000 finfluencers on financial social media site StockTwits and came to some predictable conclusions. Those with the least skill tend to be the most followed. … Continue reading

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