Electrification improves health inside and out

In the interests of healthful longevity, swapping out gas fireplaces, stoves, dryers, and furnaces for electric appliances and heat pumps is an essential next step to reduce greenhouse gases and improve air quality. The billions in government subsidies flowing to oil and gas producers must be redirected to accelerate the switch to smarter, cleaner, sustainable systems. See more in I turned my house into a zero-carbon utopia:

A few months ago, I bought a small air-quality monitor and started to observe with my own eyes what scientists have been telling us: Cooking with a gas stove is, by some measures, on par with secondhand smoke. No one is “taking away gas stoves,” but if you have one, you might consider replacing it. Your lungs will thank you. With an induction cooktop, my home is healthier. And did I mention that it boils water way faster? No wonder many chefs love them. They’re better.

Also, see Air pollution from different emission sources is associated with incident dementia:  “The findings suggest interventions that reduce air pollution may decrease the lifelong risk of developing dementia.

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