Improving and extending healthful years

I am just reading Attia’s latest book, Outlive, and I appreciate the proactive focus on extending health quality rather than just the number of years lived. The good news is that it’s possible to improve our health and fitness as we age.

If you’ve been wanting to invest in your health, you probably have so many questions and need answers to gain a better understanding of your health and what you need to address. In our conversation, we explore the detrimental effects of over-nourishment and explore three transformative approaches to address this imbalance and unlock the path to optimal well-being. We also discuss the concept of glucose control and its profound impact on our overall health. Finally, we explore the consequences of consuming nutrient-deficient plants and what we can do to rectify that. Here is a direct video link.

Also see, Food is Medicine. How your diet can prevent disease. Stanford professor & researcher Christopher Gardner, PhD shares the importance of personalized nutrition, evidence-based research, and why diet is the most under-appreciated, underutilized factor for preventing disease.

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