Monthly Archives: August 2023

Danielle’s bi-weekly market update

Danielle was a guest with Jim Goddard on Talk Digital Network, talking about recent developments in the world economy and markets. You can listen to an audio clip of the segment here. Also, see Department Stores are Maxed out. Bearish … Continue reading

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Climate chaos to change thinking around housing

I have been following this issue for some time, and it’s not yet being widely factored into asset allocation decisions. How much of our net worth will we want in buildings that can’t be insured or where premiums go parabolic? … Continue reading

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Tougher times for the masses

Today’s home affordability is the lowest on record, thanks to elevated prices and the highest mortgage rates in 23 years (US home affordability index below since 1997 courtesy of Goldman Sachs). Not to mention leaping insurance, utilities, property taxes, maintenance, … Continue reading

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