Bonds offer capital defence, equities do not

Unlike bonds, equities offer no return of principal dates nor contractually prescribed income payments. Contrary to the investment sales hype bombarding us daily, dividend-paying equities are not capital ‘defensive.’ Defensive for whom, we should ask.

From present valuation levels, equities are priced to underperform government bonds by 6.5% annualized over the next ten years (see arrow below, courtesy of John Hussman):

“…the gap in expected returns between equities and bonds has joined the worst levels in history, matched only by extremes in mid-1929 and early-2000.”

Komal Sri-Kumar, Sri-Kumar Global Strategies president, joins ‘Closing Bell: Overtime’ to discuss the impact of the Israel-Hamas war on inflation, what this means for fixed income returns, and more. Here is a direct video link.

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