RIP Daniel Kahneman

My heart is heavy today because of Daniel Kahneman’s death. Dr. Kahneman was a wisdom mentor for me and many others, and his teachings on money management and investing will always illuminate.

Michael Lewis’s 2017 book The Undoing Project discusses Kahneman’s work on human behaviour, the prevalence of mental errors in overconfidence, and the critical importance of Emotional Intelligence in effective decision-making. The book is about Kahneman’s life work and partnership with Amos Tversky. Kahneman’s excellent 2011 book Thinking Fast and Slow remains timeless.

His 2021 appearance on The Armchair Expert Podcast was far-reaching and one of his last public discussions. Here is a direct audio link.

Daniel Kahneman is a psychologist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Daniel joins the Armchair Expert to discuss the complexity of human nature, studying judgment and decision-making, and his experiments involving loss aversion. Daniel explains that memories can play tricks on our minds when remembering experiences and how to avoid noise and bias in the corporate hiring process. Daniel recounts his childhood growing up in Nazi-occupied France and his encounter with an SS soldier, he breaks down decision hygiene, and how it relates to vaccines.

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