Rising waters: the mounting costs of bad choices and inaction

Climate deniers and fossil fuel advocates are working hard to ban words and education on the science of our planet warming, but rising waters are showing us all who is actually in charge here.  Only smarter technology, clean energy and dramatic changes in human consumption can help turn this tide or not.  The longer the status quo stalls our evolution, the higher the compound costs will be.  See:  Rising seas: “Florida is about to be wiped off the map”:

Sea levels are rising. For many cities on the the eastern shores of the United States, the problem is existential. We take a look at how Miami and Atlantic City are tackling climate change, and the challenges they face under a skeptical Trump administration that plans to cut funding for environmental programs.  Here is a direct video link.

Also see Baton Rouge emerges from devastating floods to lead the battle against rising water.  Here is a direct link to a video report.

Rising Risks: Baton Rouge emerges from devastating floods to lead the battle against rising water from CNBC.

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