TVO: The Super Rich and Us

There is a direct connection between austerity and crushing debt for the masses and record wealth for a few who’ve been saved and enriched by government and central bank largesse since the 2008 financial collapse.  More and more, the masses are starting to comprehend this nexus.  The latest look from TVO, in the following two video reports, is worth a watch.  Pitch forks traditionally ‘trickle down’ from such extreme conditions.

Jacques Peretti looks at how the super-rich exploited a legal loophole to make Britain one of the most attractive tax havens on the planet. He meets the super-rich themselves – from those buying football clubs to the billionaires breaking ranks to criticize the decisions that made them richer and society more unequal. He challenges the architects of these policies, and tracks down the foreign multimillionaires who are turning Britain from a nation of property owners to a nation of renters.  Here is a direct video link to episode one.

Jacques Peretti investigates how inequality was pinpointed as a business opportunity before the crash by the biggest American bank as a way of making money from a more divided society. He also looks at how work life was made deliberately more unstable in the 1970s to drive a new ’80s profit culture, and how an acceptance of huge executive bonuses was manufactured. He meets the billionaires who have gained, and the people whose decisions are changing the way we live. Here is a direct video link to episode two.
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