Plastic waste: the supermarket challenge for consumers

Plastic packaging out of control at your supermarket? We challenge two families to help us uncover why supermarkets aren’t doing more to reduce plastic waste. And what really happens to those wrappers and packages after you put them in the blue bin? You might be surprised to learn some recyclables are shipped across the world where they can be illegally dumped or burned. Here is a direct video link.

As I mentioned in Intolerance for Plastic Pushing Producers to Change there are many things that we individuals can do to reject and avoid plastic in our lives:

We have long used reusable bags when we go shopping, but this year we increased reusable containers and wrappers inside the home and when we travel, as well as speaking to store managers and producers about our desire for less plastic, leaving containers with stores where necessary, seeking out vendors that minimize plastic, as well as making several personal products for our use (as explained here) where the store-bought versions come only in plastic.

Just one huge help in this goal was switching to cleaning with nano-fibre cloths that pick up dirt and bacteria using just water without the need for cleaning products that come in plastic (works beautifully for the face and teeth stains too!)

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