Plunge in semiconductor sales warns on global economy

Semiconductors are a critical component of everything that is computerized in modern human life.  ECRI’s Achuthan explains that the 20% ‘collapse’ in semi demand to a 10-year low in growth, belies the 21% rebound in the semiconductor stock index year-to-date.

ECRI’s Lakshman Achuthan builds his bearish case on a chart of falling semiconductor shipment demand. Here is a direct video link.

Semiconductor rally shows signs of collapsing, market forecaster Lakshman Achuthan warns from CNBC.

The collpse in semi-demand over the last year is also a warning sign for US GDP.  This chart since 2000 shows the three month moving average of semiconductor sales (dark blue) leading US GDP growth (light blue) by about six months.

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