Engineer Mark Jacobson discusses Planet of Humans

I reviewed Planet of Humans here on the blog last week and noted that while the film was outdated, lacking and misleading in many ways, it was best when pointing out that biomass is not a solution.  This audio interview with Stanford engineer Mark Jacobson offers an expert response from someone who has actually done the blueprints for transitioning every country and major city in the world to sustainable energy and jobs.  He notes that biomass–a major focus of the film–is not a fuel used in any of the plans.

In response to the Michael Moore film Planet of Humans, Stanford Professor Mark Z Jacobson, a civil and environmental engineer who is one of the architects of the energy transition plan foundational to the Green New Deal discusses the current state of solar, wind, hydro-electric and more to move us rapidly from fossil fuel-dependent energy to 100% Renewable Energy (with 2030 as the target for an 80% transition)— in conversation with Alison Rose Levy.

Here is a direct audio link.

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