Connecting dots between Nortel’s collapse and the ascent of Huawei

Nortel was Canada’s star company into the 2000 cycle peak before a spectacular collapse crushed retirement savings across the land.   The usual irrational exuberance, extreme overvaluation and complacent management undoubtedly played a leading role; but a new investigation also connects Nortel’s collapse with Huawei’s ascent to 5G leader today.  You can read the story here in Did a Chinese hack kill Canada’s greatest tech company? and listen to a video report below and at this direct video link.

Increasing scrutiny and restrictions against Chinese technology and products are likely to be a dominant theme for years to come.  The “MADE IN CHINA” mania has turned.

The death of Canada’s greatest tech giant has been attributed to mismanagement, the collapse of the dot-com bubble and the 2009 fiscal crisis. However, Bloomberg News’ Natalie Obiko Pearson says a Chinese hack, possibly involving Huawei, may have dealt the death blow.

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