Michael Lewis’ new book a ‘sweeping indictment’ on pandemic response

Universal Pictures has purchased screen rights to The Premonition: A Pandemic Story, the new book by Michael Lewis about several U.S. heroes who, in the early days of Covid-19, tried to sound the alarm about the dangers of underestimating the deadly seriousness of the killer virus.  Lewis spoke to NPR last week about his findings (see audio link below), also see Michael Lewis’ ‘The Premonition’ Is A Sweeping Indictment of the CDC’.

Much has been written about how the pandemic came to be, but not so well known are the details about how it was able to spread so quickly in the United States.

Author Michael Lewis has written a new book, The Premonition, that fills in those blanks. And it is a sweeping indictment of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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