How Communist China drives drugs, violence and inflated housing prices in Canada

It took Sam Cooper four years to meticulously research and write his new book Wilful Blindness.  Thoughtful Canadians should invest the time to digest its findings.  The policy-supported links between casinos, money laundering, narcotics, crime and unaffordable home prices are costing our nation dearly.

It’s a story so shocking it’s hard to believe. A Canadian politician laundering Asian drug money. A crime boss running Chinese gang wars from his Vancouver home. A local fentanyl super-factory capable of killing scores of Canadians. What they all have in common is their link back to Communist Chinese agents, who use criminal syndicates to corrupt Canadian officials, flood Canada’s streets with dangerous drugs, intimidate local Chinese communities, and buy up vast swaths of Canadian real estate. Anthony talks to veteran journalist Sam Cooper, whose bombshell new book, Wilful Blindness: How a Network of Narcos, Tycoons and CCP Agents Infiltrated the West, lays out in gory detail the horrifying story of how Canada is letting this happen. Here is a link to the audio clip.

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