Self-dealing central banks all in with no plan to sobriety

Central banks are not actually “running markets.” They are running market psychology, that is, for so long as participants are willing to buy in. As we saw last in March 2020, once misplaced confidence inevitably falters, risk bets implode rapid-fire, all at once.  This multi-trillion dollar game of chicken run by the self-dealing financial cartel is certain to be more systemically devastating than in 2000, 2008 and 2020.  Who likes the odds here?

Guggenheim Partners Chief Investment Officer Scott Minerd says markets are becoming “addicted” to central bank stimulus. He speaks at the Milken Institute’s 2021 Global Conference.

Here is a direct video link.

Also, see This is how long the Fed cover-up has been going on for more insight on frontrunning and insider dealing among central bank members.

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