Smart wind power and storage

American designer and entrepreneur Joe Doucet has created a wind turbine wall that consists of a grid of square panes spinning simultaneously along 25 axes. The exact size and format aren’t set in stone, so variations of the wall could be used anywhere with a decent span, like on the side of a highway or the fence around a building.  See:  This ingenious wall could harness enough wind power to cover your electric bill:

The average annual electricity consumption for an American home uses a little over 10,000 kilowatt-hours per year. One of these walls would be enough. But where Doucet sees true potential is in larger-scale commercial buildings and even cities. “Instead of the typical retaining walls along roads and freeways, you’d have an array of these,” says Doucet, who says he’s in conversation with several manufacturers to help him bring the product to market. “With the added wind boost from trucks, our highways could take care of all our energy needs.”

Sometime in the near future then, anywhere with enough span for a 25-foot wall could become a potential source of energy. “In urban areas, there’s not a lot of open sunlight for solar to work, says Doucet. “Wind is always there.”  Here is a direct video link.

As the usual mob sets off about the wind not blowing all the time, also watch Renewable Baseload Power from a single desert location. Enough to power 7 million homes.

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