Category Archives: Uncategorized

Horse maneur of the finest vintage

US Republican politicians continue to assert that the American people will not accept an increase in taxes to help pay down the national debt. They are spreading this maneur to protect a select few. Repeated polls attest no evidence of … Continue reading

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In the merry old land of Oz

Risk appetite is back “roarin’ for a priest” today on fresh hopes of European miracles.  Here’s the Wall Street Journal: “European stocks soared and the euro advanced strongly as European leaders edged closer to a fresh financing package for Greece … Continue reading

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Market leaders continue to falter

The following chart shows a disturbing weakness in the 2 sectors which are supposed to be leading the stock market higher: Financials (blue line) and Semi-conductors (green) as compared with the S&P 500 (black). Weakness in these two sectors was … Continue reading

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