Daily Archives: June 2, 2014

New documentary Ivory Tower examines bubble in education pricing

Just as government-backed loans enabled US housing into unaffordable bubble pricing into 2006, government backed student loans have enabled US colleges to become top-heavy, unaffordable institutions today. With student debt now north of a $trillion and growing, and the job … Continue reading

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Eyes wide open: which market participant are you?

Here is a point of reference for the current market cycle: even after a price decline to date of more than 7% from its most recent March 2014 high, the Russell 2000 small cap stock index is currently trading at … Continue reading

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The great leverage unwinding now begun

As I have mentioned a few times of late, world trade turned negative in Q1 2014 for the first negative quarter sine the recession of 2008. Thanks to a regular reader in the Netherlands for bringing the following big picture … Continue reading

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