A documentary airing on CBC TV’s The Nature of Things tonight night examines the relationship between our inner microbes, and our expanding waistlines… and much more.
The documentary is titled, “It Takes Guts,” and it’s directed by Leora Eisen who joined Anna Maria in CBC’s Toronto studio.Tim Spector is a Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King’s College London, and Author of “The Diet Myth”. He was in London, England. Here is a direct audio link.
Eat less, move more. That’s been the mantra of the weight loss movement for decades. But as those who have fought the battle of the bulge will tell you, there’s a lot more to obesity than just too much junk food or too little willpower. Even when genes are taken into account, scientists have struggled to explain why one person can eat cake and stay skinny, while another munches on carrots and can’t shed a pound.
Now, exciting new research reveals there is a missing piece to the obesity puzzle, one that is highly complex and intensely personal: gut microbes. Here is a direct video link to the documentary trailer.
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