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Daily Archives: November 17, 2015
Different cycle, same levered tricks
Executive “stars” are up to the same levered tricks seen before previous market meltdowns. Bankers are happy to make the loans, accountants often recommend the tax deferrals. But in the end the practice leaves markets more vulnerable to steep … Continue reading
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On climate change and the rise of ISIS
A major peer-reviewed study called “Climate change in the the Fertile Crescent and implications of the recent Syrian drought” published last March found that global warming made Syria’s 2006-2010 drought two to three times more likely and therefore should be … Continue reading
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Governing by the bankers, for the bankers, must end
Bank conspiracy, collapse and the failure of the federal reserve is explored with Nomi Prins, author of ALL THE PRESIDENTS’ BANKERS. Here is a direct video link. This is a very important discussion to understand. It is directly relevant to … Continue reading
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