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Daily Archives: November 27, 2015
Varoufakis and McWIlliams discuss Europe and ‘Brexit’
Refreshingly frank discussion: Irish economist, David McWilliams in conversation with Greece’s ex-Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis. In the first, Yanis speaks openly and frankly about the dysfunctional nature of European politics and why he fears the eurozone faces ‘disintegration’. In the … Continue reading
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After the credit bubble: retail rightsizing just begun
Howard Davidowitz, founder and chairman at Davidowitz & Associates, examines the influence of the Chinese consumer, the threat of bankruptcy for retailers, and the importance of pricing in the retail business. Here is a direct video link. He also discusses … Continue reading
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Corporate debt swoons under deluded equity markets
The desperation for yield has been unprecedented this cycle as central banks encouraged epic mal-investment through repeated bouts of quantitative madness since 2010. High yield debt became an oxymoron with the riskiest corporate bonds paying investment-grade-like-rates of 5% and less … Continue reading
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