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Daily Archives: April 8, 2016
Sober thoughts on tax, budgets and compromise
Former Clinton Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles, and former Sen. Alan Simpson, (R-Wyo.), defend the Simpson-Bowles debt plan, the need to raise tax revenues and why Grover Norquist “is a fraud. Here is a direct video link. “Compromise is not … Continue reading
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The Current: The psychology of money
Panama Papers revelations have stoked global outrage at the entitlement of the super-rich. The Current goes inside the minds of the one per cent and looks at how money can impact psychology. Here is a direct audio link. For further … Continue reading
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How long can an old, delirious, bloated bull run?
Jonestrading Chief Market Strategist Michael O’Rourke discusses his outlook for the markets. Here is a direct video link. This chart of the S&P 500 since 1996 goes well with this discussion. Chart source: David Stockman As does this one of … Continue reading
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