Tesla leading global energy storage

While haters hate…Tesla getting it done.  See: Tesla has installed a truly huge amount of energy storage:

Tesla, it’s been said, is less a car company than a battery company that sells cars. Today, the company is announcing a new milestone: Since 2015, it has installed a worldwide total of a gigawatt-hour of energy storage–technology that is critical for using renewable energy at scale. For comparison, that’s nearly half of the entire amount of energy storage installed globally last year. As the company’s electric car business quickly grows, the energy side of its business is growing even faster.







And EV cars now charge on solar day and night with Tesla Powerpacks at new ‘smart solar charging station’:

During the day, electric vehicles can charge on sunlight and the excess solar power is stored in Tesla’s battery packs, which is also connected to the grid, if there aren’t enough EVs charging.

After the sun goes down, the Powerpack can feed the solar power back to the charging station.

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