Daily Archives: November 21, 2018

Grant: “The Fed will definitely blink”

Jim Grant must have read my latest article “Nearing the pause that will not refresh?” (little joke).  I just happened upon this discussion clip which is directly on topic. Jim Grant, editor and founder of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, discusses … Continue reading

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Nearing the pause that will not refresh?

Each business cycle, central banks optimistically hike rates with the stated goal of slowing the economy enough to prevent it from overheating and not so much as to trigger a recession.  They have failed in this goal 12 of the … Continue reading

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deGrasse Tyson on the efforts of Elon Musk

As President Trump unapologetically explains that America has no choice but to stay friendly with a brutal regime like Saudi Arabia to maintain access to its oil, some Americans, like Elon Musk, are working tirelessly to innovate a future away … Continue reading

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