Compounding financial strain will yield opportunity

Macro and market pressures that were intensifying over the past year have been compounded and accelerated by Russia’s assault on Ukraine.  While the cyclical downside for asset markets and the economy is higher than average today, the investment opportunity on the other side also promises to be historic.

First, we need to get capital from here to there safely–and that requires defensive positioning, patience, and price discipline.  Sadly, most participants are, once again, set up to lose and not benefit from the mean-reversion cycle.

The discussion below is worthwhile.

Financial system stability, especially in the all-important bond market, was eroding at a concerning pace prior to last week.  But Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine is serving as an accelerant to the situation…

To give us an understanding of the key risks to monitor, we speak with investor & market analyst Gordon Long who provides a detailed explanation of why disrupting capital and trade flows out of Russia will create a domino effect of instability.  One that, if left unchecked, could possibly trigger a “Lehman moment” for the global financial system.

Yet despite this, Gordon believes the road ahead is filled with opportunity for the savvy investor. Here is a direct video link.

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