Dr Realist on megathreats and proactive behaviors needed

The below Roubini interview is a thought-provoking discussion on key global issues—many facts to face. I agree with the emphasis on personal discipline in helping lead needed changes. We can navigate the challenges before us if we choose to.

I am more optimistic about the expansion of renewable power than Roubini. I follow many renewable space engineers who are helping ramp up its rollout globally at a much faster pace than most had predicted. And to reduce near-term emissions (as Roubini agrees we must), we cannot afford to wait a couple of decades for new nuclear and fusion to help.

Lastly, I agree that inflation could revive once central banks switch back to easing monetary conditions. But over the next year, at least, disinflation and outright deflation will likely hold the upper hand. This is no time for set and forget. Staying nibble in our allocation decisions is critical.

Nouriel Roubini is an economist, a professor in New York, a global economic consultant and an author who, amongst many distinguishing things, was one of those who foresaw the 2008 credit crunch and financial crisis.

His latest work is called ‘Megathreats’, and it details 10 trends that make it more likely than not that we are heading for a global economic crash of stagnant growth, debt crises and high inflation that will cause decades of dystopian suffering and injustice. No wonder they call him Dr. Doom.

In this episode, Nouriel joins Krishnan to talk about climate change, job-displacing artificial intelligence and our future. Here is a direct video link.

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