Stephen Roach, a professor at Yale University and former non-executive chairman for Morgan Stanley in Asia, talks about his view that the Federal Reserve will choose to go another round of quantitative easing rather than implementing a twist. Here is a direct link.
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“QE1 worked” at maintaining the status quo.
TPTB used their position of influence to OPPRESS the PEOPLE to fund QE1, which was spent to benefit the TPTB.
If things were allowed to unfold on their own, many of the people of influence would be behind bars, the rest would be at home (if they had one), the we the people would have a chance to shape our future in a none (or less oppressive regiment).
It is not for the gov or the Fed to pick winner and losers.
Who is to dictate what is the clearing price of some asset class, be it housing, oil or gold.
And, how does the Fed dare to starve those on fixed income from their rightful interest on their savings?