Venture captialist explains why higher tax rates are part of solution

Henry Ford understood that in order to have customers for his cars, his workers needed to be able to afford them. Multimillionaire Garrett Gruener, founder, explains why he believes tax levels should be raised on wealthy Americans. “Inequality is a bigger impediment to American growth than marginal tax rates.”

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2 Responses to Venture captialist explains why higher tax rates are part of solution

  1. Robert Lynn says:

    Saul Alinsky couldn’t have said it better. “Inequality” is the new drum the marxists beat and is simply an abuse of language. What is the meaning of inequality? Is is one thing that is not the same as another? Does it mean that you have more than me? Should everyone have exactly the same? Does it refer to blood sucking capitalists carving more profit out of the “working poor”? Does it refer to people who choose to live off the labour of others? Is it the problem of “child poverty”? It is a fill in your own meaning phrase so that what we have are empty slogans created by political hacks to hide behind without actually owning up to what their utopian schemes are . Sort of reminds me of “Hope and Change”.

  2. William says:

    The purchasing power of the average wage of the US worker hasn’t increased in the last 40 years. That’s the REAL income in-equality. Only because more and more women had jobs, the average household saw their income rise in the last 40 years. But after 2000 the average household income remained flat.

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