Global recession update

Gary Shilling, president of A. Gary Shilling & Co. talks about U.S. deficit reduction, fiscal policy and the implications of the spreading global recession.Here is a direct link.

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3 Responses to Global recession update

  1. michael says:

    In the end it is always about the earnings. Short term market correlations at times make us crazy but in the long run holding assets that continue to grow has always paid off. Stock picking not indexing is the only game to play.

    The real big story is of course the Hostess filing and the horror of horrors realization that the entitled obese are not going to be able to get their Twinke fix. Those dambed unions have they no shame?

  2. michael says:

    More on the Twinkie trade……probably a bunch of silver hoarders stocking up…..maybe someone will start up a Twinkie fund for those who can only afford a fractional position in one.

  3. Roberta says:

    Ben’s got your back. Stocks are moving higher again. The recession is over. Better buy now while prices are at the bottom.


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