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Daily Archives: January 25, 2013
Competent new SEC head, but will she be able to get anything done?
“President Obama has nominated former New York U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White to head up the Securities and Exchange Commission. Since stepping down from her role as a state prosecutor, White has worked for the Manhattan law firm Debevoise & … Continue reading
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Marc Faber reviews the dynamics of market cycles
Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, offers some good big picture here on the forces behind market moves over the past couple of years and the historical promise of a major bear market to follow. Here … Continue reading
Joe Stiglitz on why he doesn’t buy market euphoria on Europe
Joe won’t be making many friends in Davos with this interview…My added thought would be that although austerity undoubtedly slows growth, global growth was pumped up to such unsustainable levels through credit derivatives and deficit spending, that eventually we have … Continue reading